
Suri Cruise Makes a New Friend

When celebrity babies and parents collide ... cuteness often ensues.

Christine Taylor, wife of Ben Stiller, gushed about how the couple's 6-year-old daughter, Ella, loves to play with Suri Cruise, as she gets to play the "older sister."

Taylor, whose hubby directed Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder, said Ella thinks having Suri Cruise, 2, follow her around is great - it makes her feel like a big girl!

"We've had a couple of play dates - they're just like any other play dates," said Christine. "[Suri's] amazing, [Tom and Katie Holmes] are terrific. When little kids get together you just let them do their thing and there's no outside elements."

Suri and Ella

And Ella just loves being the older sister.

"It's always just a great thing to see your kids connecting and you see all the different stages," Taylor added. "Ella used to always be the one looking up to the older girls and now she's kind of taken on that kind of big girl role."


[Source: The Hollywood Gossip - Posted by FreeAutoBlogger]

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